Contact Us
Phone Number: (765) 825-1244
24/7 National Hotline: 1-800-395-HELP (4357)
You can also e-mail us by clicking
Click here for directions and our Hours of Operation.
Our address:
220 West 9th St.
Connersville, Indiana 47331
If you would like to make an appointment to visit our center or to find out more about other pregnancy centers in your area, please email us. For your protection, we strongly discourage you from sharing personal details about your situation over the Internet. When you visit this or another pregnancy center, a peer counselor will be available to personally discuss your situation in a confidential setting.
In granting us permission to reply to your email, please consider the confidentiality of any reply that you may receive. If you are giving us permission to make a phone call, will there by anyone else who may be present to receive the phone call? Does anyone else have access to your email? If there are special confidentiality concerns we need to be aware of in responding, please spell them out so we may be sensitive to your needs.